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Leading German companies: their carbon footprints and reporting practices

In recent years, the world has witnessed a stark increase in environmental crises. These events have underscored the critical need for immediate and effective action. At the heart of this global challenge lies the significant role of businesses. Leading global corporations, especially those with substantial carbon footprints, hold the key to drive sustainable transformation. Today, we turn our focus to Germany, a country renowned for its engineering prowess and industrial strength.

Leading German companies_ their carbon footprints and reporting practices_Aerial view of Black Forest in Germany_visual 1Aerial view of Black Forest (Schwarzwald) in Germany. AI generated picture.

The growing awareness and urgency of environmental degradation have placed immense pressure on companies to not only adopt sustainable practices but also to be transparent about their efforts. Governments worldwide are responding with stricter regulations and policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. For instance, the European Union has implemented the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), requiring large companies to disclose their environmental impact and sustainability measures comprehensively.

This shift towards greater accountability is driven by a combination of regulatory mandates and public demand. Consumers, investors, and stakeholders are increasingly prioritising sustainability, making it a crucial factor in corporate reputation and financial performance. Companies are now expected to provide clear and detailed reports on their sustainability initiatives, demonstrating their commitment to reducing their carbon footprints and contributing to global climate goals.

Measure your carbon footprint 

German companies are at the forefront of this sustainability movement, striving to balance economic growth with environmental responsibility. In this article, we will delve into the carbon footprints of leading German companies and explore how they are reporting their efforts to drive sustainability forward. Through case studies and analysis, we aim to shed light on the successes and challenges faced by these companies in their journey towards a greener future.

Germany’s path to sustainability 

Germany has long been a leader in environmental policy and has committed to the Paris Agreement's climate goals. This commitment has driven a series of robust government strategies aimed at carbon management and storage.

The impact of EU directives, such as the CSRD, has also been significant in shaping German policies. These directives mandate comprehensive sustainability disclosures, pushing companies towards greater transparency and accountability.

Read more: Germany streamlines corporate sustainability rules: CSRD implementation welcomed

Germany's path to sustainability is marked by proactive policies, stringent regulations, and an evolving public discourse, setting a strong foundation for future progress.

Read more: Germany's new biodiversity credits push forward conservation efforts

Corporate sustainability trends in Germany

German companies are increasingly integrating sustainability into their core business strategies, driven by both regulatory requirements and public demand. Management of sustainability efforts has become a priority, with many companies establishing dedicated sustainability teams and integrating environmental goals into their executive agendas.

Read more: The power of sustainability: Why investing in sustainability drives faster company growth

Recent data shows promising trends: over 70% of German companies are aware of their carbon footprint, and approximately 54% have set concrete goals to reduce emissions. This awareness and commitment indicate a significant shift towards more sustainable business practices. However, despite these efforts, less than 45% of companies align their goals with the Paris Agreement, highlighting the need for more rigorous action.

Leading German companies_ their carbon footprints and reporting practices_Data illustration showing how companies are aware of their carbon footprint_visual 2Data illustration showing how companies are aware of their carbon footprint.

The integration of the European Union's CSRD into national law marks a pivotal moment for corporate transparency in Germany. The Federal Justice Ministry’s draft of the CSRD aims for a straightforward implementation, avoiding redundant reporting and aligning closely with EU guidelines. This approach has been positively received by industry groups such as the Deutsches Aktieninstitut and the Verband der Chemischen Industrie (VCI), which appreciate the reduced administrative burden.

Read more: What is CSRD and how does it affect your business?

The CSRD, effective from January 2023, significantly expands the scope of sustainability reporting compared to its predecessor, the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD). It mandates detailed disclosures on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) activities, emphasising the principle of double materiality. This requires companies to report both the impact of their operations on the environment and society and the risks and opportunities that sustainability issues pose to their financial performance. The first compliance phase for companies will start in the 2024 financial year for their annual reports published in 2025.

However, companies face several challenges in achieving their sustainability targets. These include a lack of resources, difficulties in data collection, and the need for substantial investment in new technologies and processes. To address these issues, the VCI has suggested deferring the CSRD reporting timeline to allow businesses more time to prepare, and the Deutsches Aktieninstitut has recommended improvements in auditing practices.

Read more: Overcoming sustainability challenges: practical solutions for your business

Public perception remains a critical driver for corporate sustainability. Despite advancements, only 15% of the German public believes that industries are doing enough to protect the environment. This perception underscores the importance of transparency and the need for companies to effectively communicate their sustainability efforts.

As Germany continues to refine its approach to sustainability, the integration of the CSRD and other regulatory measures will play a crucial role in driving corporate accountability and fostering a culture of transparency and environmental responsibility.

Case studies of leading German companies

Siemens AG

Siemens AG is a beacon of sustainability within the German corporate landscape. Siemens aims to be the world's first major industrial company to achieve a net zero by 2030, setting a powerful example for others to follow. Siemens reports its carbon footprint and sustainability initiatives comprehensively in its annual reports, providing stakeholders with a clear and transparent view of its progress.

Sustainability initiatives: Siemens’ sustainability efforts are multifaceted, focusing on energy efficiency, renewable energy use, and innovative technologies. The company has invested over €650 million in CO2-reduction measures, significantly cutting its emissions by 46% since the announcement of its climate-neutral goal. Siemens also requires suppliers to be sustainable by mandating transparency on CO₂ reduction plans, implementing the Carbon Reduction@Suppliers approach, and integrating these efforts into sourcing decisions to achieve net-zero goals.

Leading German companies_ their carbon footprints and reporting practices_Landscape view of a wind farm_visual 3Landscape view of a wind farm. AI generated picture.

Specific measures:

  • Energy efficiency: Siemens has invested €100 million in energy efficiency improvements for production facilities and buildings worldwide, expecting to save €20 million annually in energy costs. Its Munich headquarters building, aimed at meeting the highest standards of eco-friendliness and sustainable construction, will contribute to this goal.
  • Renewable energy: The company sources 77% of its electricity consumption from renewable energy, including natural gas and wind power.
  • Innovative technologies: Siemens’ Environmental Portfolio includes technologies for energy efficiency and CO2 reduction, enabling customers to reduce their CO2 emissions by 428 million metric tonnes by 2014 (equal to half of Germany's total CO2 emissions).

Read more: Siemens' race to net zero: innovating for a sustainable future

Progress and future targets: Siemens has made significant strides towards its 2030 climate-neutral goal. The company plans to achieve 100% electric vehicles in its fleet, source all power from renewable sources, and reduce supply chain emissions by 20%. By consistently updating stakeholders through detailed annual reports, Siemens ensures transparency and accountability in its sustainability journey.

Mercedes-Benz Group

Mercedes-Benz, a leading German car manufacturing company, takes a holistic approach to sustainability, integrating environmental, social, and economic responsibilities into its business strategy. In October 2020, it joined Amazon and Global Optimism’s Climate Pledge and supports the initiative with its own Ambition2039 initiative. The company’s comprehensive sustainability reports highlight its commitment to transparency and continuous improvement. 

Mercedes-Benz achieved net carbon neutrality at its vehicle production sites in 2022. By 2030, the company aims to cut CO2 emissions from production by 80% and meet over 70% of its energy needs with renewable sources such as solar and wind power. The 80% target follows the approval of their Scope 1 and 2 emissions reduction target of 50% by 2030 by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Additionally, Mercedes-Benz plans for all its production plants worldwide to operate entirely on renewable energy and achieve zero CO₂ emissions by 2039.

Efforts in supply chain transparency and sustainable materials: Mercedes-Benz has implemented rigorous standards for its suppliers, ensuring that supply chains are free from illegal deforestation and adhere to high environmental and ethical standards. The company requires full disclosure of supply chains from farm regions to end products and mandates compliance with its Responsible Sourcing Standards. Since 2022, it has purchased electricity that comes exclusively from renewable sources. In addition, it plans to invest in new power purchase agreements for wind turbines and cut water consumption by 33% by 2030 compared to 2018. As part of its holistic approach to a circular economy, it will also be recycling its batteries in the future.

Leading German companies_ their carbon footprints and reporting practices_Aerial view of a Mercedes-Benz electric car driving down a street in a forest_visual 4Aerial view of a Mercedes-Benz electric car driving down a street in a forest. AI generated picture.

Innovations in electric vehicles and animal-free leather alternatives:

  • Electric vehicles: Mercedes-Benz is a leader in electric vehicle innovation, developing a range of electric and hybrid vehicles aimed at reducing emissions and promoting clean energy.
  • Animal-free leather alternatives: The company is also pioneering the use of sustainable materials, including high-quality imitation leather and microfiber fleece made from recycled materials. This approach not only conserves natural resources but also reduces the environmental impact of its products.

Long-term goals and progress: Mercedes-Benz aims to achieve significant reductions in its carbon footprint by adopting renewable energy, enhancing supply chain transparency, and continuously innovating in product materials and technologies. The company’s sustainability reports provide detailed accounts of its progress and future plans, ensuring stakeholders are well-informed and engaged in its sustainability efforts.


Lidl has established itself as a leader in sustainability within the retail sector, with comprehensive reporting practices that highlight its environmental initiatives and achievements. It has committed to reducing its Scope 1, 2, and 3 absolute emissions by 42% by 2030. Its Scope 3 emissions cover over 98% of its impact across its value chain.

Sustainability reporting practices: Lidl’s annual sustainability reports, adhering to the Global Reporting Initiative standard, provide a detailed overview of the company’s efforts and progress in various areas, including energy efficiency, animal welfare, and recycling. It is also working to ensure that suppliers representing 75% of its product-related emissions have targets aligned to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) by 2026.

Key initiatives:

  • Energy efficiency: Lidl has reduced its Scope 2 emissions by 97.4% by switching to green electricity in all stores, logistics centres, and administrative buildings. It also purchases 100% of its electricity from renewable sources.
  • Animal welfare: The company has significantly increased the share of fresh poultry in higher welfare standards, demonstrating its commitment to ethical sourcing.
  • Recycling: Lidl has implemented extensive recycling programs and initiatives to reduce waste and promote circular economy principles.
  • Carbon compensation: Lidl is committed to reducing the carbon footprint of its products. In Great Britain, it offsets the remaining carbon emissions of its RSPCA-Assured free-range responsible eggs by investing in a Gold Standard wind energy project and a tree planting project near the Lake District in the UK. Its Deluxe Cheddar cheese also incorporates Gold Standard carbon offsets and is PAS 2060 certified by the Carbon Trust. 

Achievements and future goals: Lidl’s commitment to sustainability is evident in its numerous achievements, such as winning the Oxfam Supermarket Check 2022 and the WWF Deforestation Scorecard for its dedication to human rights and forest conservation. Looking forward, Lidl aims to continue enhancing its sustainability efforts, with clear targets and transparent reporting to keep stakeholders informed and engaged.

Leading German companies_ their carbon footprints and reporting practices_Free-range chickens in a green field, a wind farm in the background_visual 5Free-range chickens in a green field, a wind farm in the background. AI generated picture.

Through these case studies, it is evident that leading German companies are not only committed to reducing their carbon footprints but also to transparently reporting their progress. This transparency fosters trust and accountability, driving the corporate sustainability agenda forward and setting a benchmark for others to follow.

The future of corporate sustainability in Germany

Corporate sustainability in Germany is set to evolve with a stronger emphasis on integrating ESG criteria. Companies will increasingly use advanced technologies like AI and blockchain for better sustainability tracking and reporting. The shift towards circular economy practices, focusing on waste reduction, recycling, and material reuse, will gain momentum.

Read more: 5 Sustainable business practices to achieve net zero

Innovation will drive sustainability advancements. German companies will invest in research and development to develop sustainable products and processes, enhancing energy efficiency and reducing resource consumption. Continuous improvement initiatives will help meet regulatory demands and attract eco-conscious consumers.

Regulations such as the EU’s CSRD will enforce stringent sustainability reporting standards, requiring companies to address all three scopes of emissions. Compliance will be crucial for legal adherence and maintaining stakeholder trust. Future regulations are expected to become stricter, pushing companies and their suppliers to adopt rigorous sustainability practices and reporting on such practices.

Read more: Uncovering the impact of Scope 3 emissions

Sustainable development requires collaboration between government, businesses, and the public. Governments need to provide supportive policies, while businesses integrate sustainability into their strategies. Public engagement will be vital in holding companies accountable and driving demand for sustainable practices

By focusing on these trends and embracing innovation and collaboration, German companies can significantly contribute to global sustainability goals and set a high standard for corporate responsibility.

Achieving sustainability with DGB Group

Transparent and genuine sustainability efforts, particularly in reporting carbon footprints, are critical for building trust and driving real change. The case studies of Siemens, Mercedes-Benz, and Lidl demonstrate how detailed sustainability efforts and reporting not only showcase their commitments but also set a benchmark for other companies. These efforts underscore the importance of accountability and continuous improvement in the journey towards a sustainable future.

Continuous innovation and alignment with global regulations are essential for staying ahead in the sustainability landscape. Companies must invest in new technologies and processes that reduce their environmental impact while complying with evolving standards. DGB Group supports these initiatives by offering carbon units, biodiversity and plastic credits, carbon footprint calculations and more that help businesses achieve their sustainability goals, ensuring they meet global expectations and contribute positively to the environment.

Measure your carbon footprint 

With our easy-to-use carbon footprint analysis, you can start your business’ journey to becoming more sustainable. Then, you can compensate for your business’ past and irreducible emissions with our verified carbon units produced by our impactful nature-based solutions. These units help your business reduce its environmental impact while restoring nature and empowering local communities. 

Leading German companies_ their carbon footprints and reporting practices_Aerial view of tree seedling nursery in Kenya_visual 6Aerial view of tree seedling nursery in Kenya. Hongera Reforestation Project, DGB.

By partnering with us, your business can lead the way in environmental stewardship. DGB provides the expertise and resources needed for your business to address its carbon footprint and restore and protect natural ecosystems. Together, we can foster a world where economic growth and environmental conservation go hand in hand, creating lasting value.

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