Thursday, February 29, 2024 13:00 CET

Webinar: Understanding Carbon Footprinting
for Beginners


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Webinar: Understanding Carbon Footprinting for Beginners

Rewatch our webinar for an enriching presentation that delves into how your business can measure its carbon footprint and become more sustainable, taking you through carbon footprint measurement step by step. We will also explore the importance of measuring your carbon footprint and having a CO2 strategy. 

To start your journey towards sustainability, you only need to take the first step and measure your carbon footprint. Learn how with our webinar! 

Don’t miss this chance to learn about powering your business towards sustainability and environmental stewardship.

Webinar Agenda

Learn a bit more about your host and DGB Group.
What is a carbon footprint
Find out what is an organisational carbon footprint, including Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.
Why is a carbon footprint important for an impactful CO2 strategy
Learn the importance of a carbon footprint and the benefits of a CO2 strategy.
The relevance of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
Find out how the CSRD impacts your small or medium-sized enterprise (SME).
The 7 steps of a carbon footprint analysis
We'll take you through calculating your carbon footprint step by step with practical examples and show you how to use our CO2 Expert tool.
Q&A session
Let’s talk about what you want to know. We'll address some commonly asked questions.

Hosted by:

Wienke Schouwink

Environmental Solutions Manager

Wienke Schouwink is an Environmental Solutions Manager at DGB Group. She has a background in Sustainability and Global Business and over five years of experience in the field of carbon footprinting, compensation, and helping companies reach their sustainability goals.

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Read the latest articles

Read the latest trends and tips from the world of environmental ecosystems and carbon neutrality.

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Who we are

We're one of the leading large-scale carbon & biodiversity project developers worldwide

The scale required for global reforestation efforts is almost unimaginable. For capital markets and private individuals, this creates exciting opportunities. As the world's first publicly traded purpose company focused on carbon offsetting and nature conservation, DGB sources, develops, and manages large-scale nature-restoration projects.

We’re striving to safeguard the natural world, helping people live more sustainably and take action against deforestation and desertification.

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