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Reliable carbon projects: Supported by all official authorities

Our high-quality carbon projects comply with carbon market regulations and are thoroughly verified by governments, regulators, and policymakers, ensuring the generation of official and credible carbon solutions.

 Providing essential support

Why we need regulators, governments, and policymakers involved

Regulators, governments, and policymakers are critical players in ensuring the success of carbon projects. They play a crucial role in shaping the legal and regulatory framework within which carbon projects are implemented. They also ensure that these projects are consistent with local laws and regulations. By providing clear guidelines for project development, implementation, and monitoring, regulators and policymakers help ensure that carbon projects are carried out in a transparent and accountable manner.

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A crucial stakeholder

Why we work with all the relevant institutions

Involving regulators, governments, and policymakers in our nature-based carbon projects brings many benefits. They assist in navigating regulatory environments, reducing the risk of delays or barriers. They help ensure compliance with local laws and regulations, minimising conflicts with stakeholders. They promote equitable distribution of project benefits and build support among communities for long-term sustainability.

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The value of collaboration

Advantages of working with regulatory authorities


Powerful allies

Authorities actively support our carbon initiatives as they compensate for emissions, promote sustainable regional development, and restore biodiversity. Authorities are thus vital allies to ensure the success of our projects.


Clear roadmap

Governments, regulators, and policymakers are pivotal in shaping laws and policies. Their understanding of processes allows them to provide clear, efficient guidelines for developing and implementing carbon projects.


Smooth processes

Working closely with key authorities and understanding the intricacies of the process helps us streamline project implementation and scaling, enabling us to achieve our goals of empowering nature and communities faster.

Working together for a better future

Key institutions needed for carbon projects

Regulators, governments, and policymakers play a vital role by providing clear guidelines for project development, implementation, and monitoring. They help ensure our projects are carried out transparently and accountably while meeting legal and regulatory requirements.

By working together with all the key institutions, DGB ensures not only projects’ regulatory compliance but also access to incentives and funding opportunities that accelerate project success and promote a sustainable, better future.

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Our global projects


million trees being planted


hectares scouted to be restored


million tonnes of CO₂ to be captured


jobs being created


efficient cookstoves to be distributed

Get in touch

As the world's first publicly traded purpose company focused on ecosystem restoration, DGB is harnessing market forces and the access to capital needed to accelerate Earth's reforestation rapidly. Reach out to us to learn more about our work.

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