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Dutch Green Business Group N.V. (“DGB”) is postponing the publication of its half-yearly report for 2020. As soon as there is clarity about the date of the publication, DGB Group will inform the market about this.

After the close of the 2019 financial year and up to and including the present, 2020 is an eventful year for DGB. The year was characterized by a series of events with material financial consequences, which were not foreseeable on December 31, 2019.

This has a major impact on the 2019 financial year and delays the publication of the annual report for 2019. DGB intends to first round off the annual figures for 2019, before processing the half-year figures for 2020. Partly in view of the fact that a comparison must be made in the semi-annual report with the same period in the previous year.

The board is examining various options for producing a report that provides a true and fair view of the company and thus informs all stakeholders in the most transparent manner.

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