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Dutch Green Business Group N.V. (Euronext: DGB, “DGB” or “the Group”), a leading reforestation and carbon offsetting company, announces that it has acquired a strategic controlling stake of 75% in software development company, Statix Artificial Intelligence B.V. (¨Statix¨) that specialises in innovative blockchain certification and disruptive advanced technology development.
Statix harnesses artificial intelligence, blockchain, big data and drone technology to validate, measure and help deliver ecological projects for ecosystem restoration. Statix has operations in The Netherlands and India and will operate under the DGB Group umbrella of companies. It will focus on building the most advanced powerful technological tools for ecosystem restoration and smart reforestation by using advanced data science, blockchain, machine learning, satellite imagery and drone technology to assist in the rehabilitation of land and restore biodiverse ecosystems at scale.
This acquisition is a key part of DGB’s strategy to offer world leading verification, certification and trading of carbon offsets – alongside an ability to offer customers a proven and highly transparent way of reforesting effectively at scale.
As such Statix will focus on creating a marketplace for reforestation project developers to showcase their projects and as a tool to fund their project, as well as for B2B and B2C customers to buy trees and accumulate credits or neutralise their offsets.
The software development team will work on blockchain certification standards for DGB or third parties to use for the incubation, validation and maintenance of nature-based environmental projects. Utilising encrypted blockchain, DGB will facilitate a trading platform for nature offset tokens providing complete transparency and accountability.
Statix is aiming to launch trading in nature offset crypto tokens, named Quadtreelium, within the next six months.
In addition, Statix will combine the data from a dense sensor network, on ground drone sensors, geostationary and orbital satellites, along with machine learning models trained on historical data to perform extremely high resolution data collection in order show DGB and its customers the vegetation, species, condition and erosion characteristics of every square metre of land in their nature-based solutions portfolio.
Selwyn Duijvestijn, Chief Executive of DGB Group said: ¨We are committed to a high-tech approach to nature restoration, harnessing the latest smart technologies to secure the best outcomes for the business, its customers and ultimately the planet. Every stage of our nature restoration projects will benefit from this approach from detailed analysis at the start, to using specialised machines to mechanically speed up the planting of biodiverse species, to monitoring plant growth with drones and satellite imagery. When planting trees, we aim for quality, scale, speed and high survival rates. Together with Statix we can develop technologies that allow us to reforest thousands of hectares in a single planting session, including a GPS enabled automated-planting system to drive speed and efficiency in the field.”
DGB’s vision is to be a leading high-impact investor in sustainably managed forests by providing competitive real investment returns for shareholders combined with high social impact. DGB is underpinned by the value of the carbon offsets it is generating and the inherent asset value of the underlying land in which it is investing. DGB plans to reforest the world’s land at scale and bring back nature where it cannot return unaided. DGB’s strategy is focused on the following:
Dutch Green Business Group N.V. is a public company traded on the main Dutch stock exchange Euronext Amsterdam under the ticker symbol AEX:DGB and ISIN-code NL0009169515. DGB’s strategy is to participate in large forest carbon offset projects around the world that deliver commercial and environmental benefits. DGB’s vision is to be a leading high-impact investor in sustainably managed forests by providing competitive real investment returns for shareholders combined with high social impact.
Dutch Green Business Group N.V.
Selwyn Duijvestijn, Chief Executive
+31(0)20 8080825 (NL)
+44(0)20 8064 0936 (EN)
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DGB Group N.V. (“DGB” or “the Group”) (Euronext: DGB: NL0009169515), a leading carbon project develo..
DGB Group N.V. (“DGB” or “the Group”) (Euronext: DGB | ISIN: NL0009169515), a leading developer of c..
DGB Group N.V. (“DGB” or “the Group”) (Euronext: DGB: NL0009169515), a leading carbon project develo..
DGB Group N.V. (“DGB” or “the Group”) (Euronext: DGB: NL0009169515), a leading carbon project develo..
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