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News and updates from the carbon offsetting industry

Stay up-to-date on the latest news and announcements from the carbon offsetting industry and environmental initiatives. Learn about new projects, partnerships, and regulations that are shaping the future of carbon offsetting, nature restoraiton, and sustainable growth.

Green bond sales reached a new record high in the first quarter of 2023, despite a brief market shut..

Investment in nature-based solutions could create up to 20 million new jobs worldwide, particularly ..

An innovative agroforestry project in the United Kingdom at Eves Hill Farm in Booton, near Reepham, ..

A coalition of governments has launched the Freshwater Challenge, an unprecedented initiative to res..

The effectiveness of REDD+ carbon credits has recently been discussed, raising important questions i..

India unveiled a draft plan for a carbon credit trading scheme, seeking input from stakeholders unti..

Parents and students from pastoralist communities in Nasuulu, Oldonyiro, and Biliqo Bulesa Community..

The European Union (EU) is set to auction its carbon credits earlier than planned this year, beginni..

The Australian government introduced a new Nature Repair Bill to parliament, which will issue tradab..

A new study has shown that infrastructure development poses a significant threat to biodiversity and..