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IEMA endorses urgent call for net-zero skills and nature-based solutions

The Institute for Environmental Management & Assessment (IEMA) has endorsed the Climate Change Committee's (CCC) latest report, urging the new Government to focus on 10 priorities to achieve the UK's net-zero target.

IEMA endorses urgent call for net-zero skills and nature-based solutions_Top view of young tree seedlings in soil bags_visual 1 (1)Top view of young tree seedlings in soil bags. AI generated picture.

The CCC's findings reveal that only a third of the required emissions reductions for the 2030 target are backed by credible plans. However, the UK has halved its emissions since 1990, mainly through phasing out coal and increasing renewable energy.

The IEMA’s CEO, Sarah Mukherjee MBE, highlighted three key areas from the report: a net-zero skills strategy, climate adaptation, and nature-based solutions.

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The CCC recommends the Government develop a strategy to support net-zero skills, particularly for workers in transitioning sectors and impacted communities. Mukherjee stressed the urgency of implementing solutions identified by employers, skills bodies, unions, and academia. She called for a Green Jobs Council to lead and deliver the strategy, emphasising the need for a comprehensive plan beyond current measures like tracking heat pump installer training rates.

The CCC advises that climate adaptation should be integrated into policymaking across all government departments. Mukherjee echoed this, noting the necessity of regional scenario planning to support long-term investment projects. The IEMA plans to release a report on adaptation skills in the coming weeks.

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The CCC calls for increased tree planting and peatland restoration, recognising nature's role in carbon absorption and storage. Mukherjee highlighted the potential of nature-based solutions to lock in significant greenhouse gases, stressing their critical role in combatting environmental instability.

By addressing these priorities, the IEMA and the CCC aim to steer the UK back on track to meet its net-zero ambitions.

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