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High-quality reforestation project featured on Planet Earth III

In the captivating realm of BBC’s Planet Earth III, narrated by the iconic Sir David Attenborough, the spotlight falls on the extraordinary journey of the Bulindi chimpanzees in Uganda. Having premiered on 19 November 2023, this episode explores the interconnected world of forests and highlights the crucial reforestation and conservation efforts by DGB Group.

Planet Earth III_ featuring DGBs efforts to save the Bulindi chimps’ habitat_Bulindi chimpanzees sitting on a tree_visual 1Bulindi chimpanzees, brothers Gerald and Merrick, sitting on a tree, Bulindi Chimpanzee Habitat Restoration Project, DGB.

Director Abigail Lees takes the audience on a global expedition, unveiling the intricate tapestry of life in forests from the temperate rainforests of Canada to the teak forests of India. This episode shows the extraordinary alliances and challenges faced by diverse species, illuminating the urgency for global conservation.

Read more: How the reforestation project in Uganda benefits the Bulindi chimpanzees

Within this rich narrative, we see the daily life of the Bulindi chimpanzees, navigating the delicate balance between humanity and nature. Director Abigail Lees shares gripping moments of the chimps navigating a main highway, symbolising their daily struggle. This sets the stage for the Bulindi Chimpanzee Habitat Restoration Project, a nature conservation initiative carried out collaboratively by DGB and its local NGO partner, the Bulindi Chimpanzee & Community Project (BCCP).

Read about our nature-restoration project in Uganda

Established in 2015, the project aims to protect the habitat of the Bulindi chimpanzees and supporting local communities. Through strategic reforestation and afforestation, the distribution of energy-saving stoves, and the implementation of conservation farming, the project’s multifaceted efforts aim to foster a harmonious coexistence between humans and chimpanzees, echoing the broader message resonating throughout Planet Earth III.

Watch BBC’s Planet Earth III episode featuring the Bilindi Chimpanzees

This endeavour extends beyond the realm of conservation, embracing the holistic wellbeing of local communities. Educational initiatives, small household projects, and the provision of clean water form the fabric of the project. The Bulindi Chimpanzee Habitat Restoration Project is not just a conservation effort but a model for sustainable cohabitation between wildlife and humanity.

Planet Earth III  featuring DGBs efforts to save the Bulindi chimps’ habitat_Poster of the BBC documentary Planet Earth III_visual 2Poster of the BBC documentary Planet Earth III - Series 1, Episode 5: Forests.

The project has emerged as a transformative force in the region, solidifying its expertise and invaluable role within the community. Looking ahead, DGB aims to amplify and advance these impactful initiatives, particularly through reforestation and afforestation projects. The project involves planting 4.5 million trees, contributing to the capture of 4.3 million tonnes of CO2. As a publicly traded company, DGB, in partnership with BCCP, is committed to scaling these efforts, fostering substantial positive change for both nature in Uganda and its inhabitants. Adhering to stringent industry standards to generate top-quality carbon credits ensures that the project receives the recognition it merits, fostering a more extensive and lasting impact across the entire region.

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