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Fortune 500 companies lead the charge toward net zero through carbon credits

The sixth annual report on the environmental progress of the Fortune Global 500 reveals a significant increase in nature commitments among the world's largest companies. Despite external pressures and rising scrutiny, these companies are forging ahead with plans to achieve net-zero emissions, with 45% now targeting 2050, a marked rise from 39% last year and only 8% in 2020.

Fortune 500 companies lead the charge toward net zero through carbon credits_Close-up of a young tree in a green square with New York City in the background_visual 1Close-up of a young tree in a green square with New York City in the background. AI generated project.

A key trend highlighted in the report is the growing reliance on carbon credits as a tool for achieving environmental targets. This year, 42% of companies have committed to using carbon credits to meet their net-zero targets, up from 40% last year. By investing in verified carbon projects, businesses not only enhance stakeholder trust but also contribute to impactful environmental solutions, particularly in underfunded regions.

Read more: DGB’s Impact Loans, revolutionising responsible investing

The report also notes that companies incorporating carbon credits into their strategies are more likely to adopt stringent reduction targets. These firms are 1.7 times more likely to set near-term Science-Based Targets (SBTs) across their entire value chain, including Scope 3 emissions, compared to those without such commitments.

Fortune 500 companies lead the charge toward net zero through carbon credits_Graph showing trends the commitments of the Fortune Global 500 companies from 2019 to 2024_visual 2Graph showing trends the commitments of the Fortune Global 500 companies from 2019 to 2024; source: https://www.climateimpact.com/news-insights/fortune-global-500-climate-commitments/?utm_source=Press+release+&utm_medium=Article+&utm_campaign=FG500+2024 

The Fortune Global 500, which collectively earned $41 trillion in revenue last year, holds significant influence over global environmental action. Their leadership in adopting robust strategies could set new benchmarks for the broader private sector. While the focus remains on these corporate giants, the report also recognises the essential contributions of businesses of all sizes in addressing nature conservation.

Read more: New study highlights 9 million tonne carbon reduction potential in North American forests

As businesses increasingly prioritise sustainability, the voluntary carbon credit market plays a crucial role in supporting global nature restoration efforts. By investing in DGB Group's high-integrity nature-based carbon projects, you contribute to a future where communities thrive alongside revitalised ecosystems. Our projects are crafted with long-term sustainability at their core, producing high-quality carbon units that meet the strictest environmental standards. With the growing demand for premium carbon units, partnering with DGB offers a unique opportunity to drive impactful change while capitalising on the expanding carbon market.

Invest in DGB’s carbon projects

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