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Carpathian Convention adopts vital biodiversity framework on 20th anniversary

The Carpathian Convention celebrated its 20th anniversary with the adoption of the Carpathian Biodiversity Framework during the seventh Conference of the Parties (COP7), a pivotal event hosted in Belgrade, Serbia. The Carpathian Convention, founded in 2003, unites seven countries—the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Ukraine—in a unique partnership with the mission of protecting the Carpathian Mountains, one of Europe's most significant and biodiverse mountain ranges.

Carpathian Convention adopts vital biodiversity framework_view with pink rhododendron flowers in Carpathian mountains_visual 1Landscape view with pink rhododendron flowers in Carpathian mountains, Ukraine, Europe.

The Carpathian Biodiversity Framework, a comprehensive instrument, is poised to play a vital role in aligning global biodiversity goals with regional actions. Minister Irena Vujović of Serbia highlighted the significance of this endeavour, emphasising the need to secure a thriving Carpathian ecosystem and work towards the Carpathian Vision 2050. This vision is a collective commitment to a future where the Carpathians become a thriving and sustainable region where people coexist harmoniously with nature. In this vision, the biodiversity and natural beauty of the Carpathians are conserved, restored, and thoughtfully utilised, providing essential ecosystem services for both the region's residents and beyond.

Read more: Biodiversity credits: an innovative financing mechanism for conservation

COP7 witnessed a series of notable decisions and actions, reflecting a renewed commitment to the conservation of this ecologically rich region. Notably, the environment ministers of Serbia and Romania signed an agreement establishing a transboundary Ramsar site in the Đerdap Gorge (Iron Gate) National Park, situated along the Danube River. This achievement underscores the emphasis on international cooperation and the collective responsibility of the Carpathian countries in safeguarding the region's biodiversity.

Another significant development during COP7 was the unveiling of the Inventory of Virgin Forests of the Carpathians. This inventory represents a critical step towards fortifying the protection of some of Europe's last remaining primary forests. Furthermore, the Carpathian ministers expressed their support for expanding this inventory to encompass other Carpathian forests with varying degrees of naturalness.

Read more: Biodiversity takes the spotlight in corporate ESG strategies

In addition to biodiversity conservation, addressing pollution, particularly plastic pollution in watercourses, remains a top priority for the Carpathian countries. They recognise the urgent need to address air, water, and soil pollution, aligning their efforts with the broader goals of environmental protection.

DGB Group's commitment to a greener and more sustainable future is underscored by a multifaceted approach that champions biodiversity restoration and ecosystem preservation. Through our nature-based initiatives, we bring forth a multitude of advantages for both the environment and the communities we engage with. 

Our projects not only restore previously degraded lands, thereby contributing to the revival of fragile ecosystems, but also serve as sanctuaries for diverse wildlife, enhancing overall biodiversity. We are here to assist companies, investors, governments, and individuals in investing in nature, enabling them to make a lasting, positive impact and contribute to a brighter and more biodiverse world.

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