Individuals and companies worldwide are recognising the importance of reducing their carbon emissions. As a result, many are reducing their carbon footprint through energy efficiency and other measures. However, it is impossible to achieve net zero by only reducing your carbon footprint. There is a need for a flexible and scalable mechanism to achieve these ambitious goals. This is where carbon dioxide (CO2) offsetting or compensation comes in.
It is a way to give back to nature. Carbon credits (or carbon units) allow entities to neutralise their emissions through nature-based solutions. It can be focused around reforestation, afforestation, ecosystem restoration, and other projects that directly affect nature, communities, and wildlife.
Companies and individuals are keen to contribute to the environment. Carbon and biodiversity credits help individuals and companies turn their values into a tangible action plan and give back to nature at scale. While there is interest from a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) point of view in contributing to nature conservation, this interest has increased over the past years due to the need to reduce and offset carbon emissions. CO2 compensation is done either on a mandatory or voluntary basis for CSR and public relations.