What steps are involved in becoming sustainable and addressing your carbon footprint?

Becoming sustainable by addressing your carbon footprint involves several key steps:

  1. Emissions assessment: Calculate your organisation's carbon footprint by evaluating emissions from operations, energy use, transportation, and other sources.
  2. Emissions compensation: Purchase carbon units to compensate for past or irreducible emissions. Carbon units are generated by carbon offset projects, like those of DGB Group.
  3. Emissions reduction: Implement strategies to reduce emissions that can be reduced, such as using renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, and optimising transportation.
  4. Footprint verification: Receive a verification report from experts like DGB showing your carbon footprint, and emissions compensated and reduced. DGB can also help you develop a CO2 strategy.
  5. Goal setting: Establish clear targets for emissions reductions and compensation, aiming for a decarbonised value chain.
  6. Improvement and sharing: Monitor progress, adjust strategies, and innovate to maintain sustainability over time. You can also share your progress with stakeholders.

By following these steps and reducing your carbon footprint with DGB, organisations can effectively minimise their environmental impact, become more sustainable, and contribute to a greener future.