LATEST ARTICLE Why carbon credits are a smarter investment than Bitcoin Read Article

Conferences, webinars, and summits

Discover upcoming events and conferences that are shaping the carbon offsetting industry. Learn from experts, network with peers, and discover new opportunities for advancing sustainable growth and reducing carbon emissions.
Past Webinar

Carbon Footprint Basics—Calculation and Reporting Simplified

Join Wienke Schouwink and Pedro Zimmer as they demonstrate how to calculate a carbon footprint step-by-step, using a real-world example and the CO Expert tool.

Past Webinar

Exploring lasting nature conservation solutions with Cheri Sugal

Explore the evolution and development of carbon markets as a long-term, sustainable solution for conservation efforts.

Past Webinar

Carbon Market Basics with Melissa Lindsay

In this webinar, we'll explore the topic of carbon units (carbon credits), their role in over-the-counter (OTC) trading, and the increasing importance of transparency and quality in carbon unit selection.

Past Webinar

Understanding Carbon Footprinting for Beginners

Join the live webinar to take the first step towards sustainability by learning how to measure your carbon footprint.
Past Webinar

The Power of High-Quality Carbon Projects—Uganda

Learn about how the project collaborates with local communities and households to find sustainable solutions that will benefit both the chimpanzees and the people.
Past Webinar

Understanding Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

Learn how Article 6 will—directly or indirectly—impact our day-to-day lives and what opportunities we can foster from it.
Past Webinar

The power of high-quality carbon projects—Kenya

This webinar is your opportunity to learn first-hand about the impacts and benefits of our high-quality, nature-based carbon projects in Kenya.
Past Webinar

Carbon units for beginners

Everything you need to know to have a solid foundation on carbon units and how they can help your business become more sustainable.
Past Webinar

Understanding Carbon Footprinting for Beginners

Rewatch our webinar for an enriching presentation that delves into how your business can measure its carbon footprint and become more sustainable,