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Why does carbon farming have a key role for land owners?

There is a growing need for carbon farming worldwide and storing CO2 from the air in plants and soils that grow food. Carbon farming is one of the most reliable methods of nature-based solutions.

It is an opportunity through the implementation of agricultural practices that reduce emissions and improve soil carbon storage. Also, it is gaining relevance and acceptance among farmers, landowners, and businesses globally.

In this article, we will discuss why carbon farming has a key role for land owners.  

What is the role of carbon farming in the sustainability of the planet?

Why does carbon farming have a key role for land owners?

Carbon farming is a giant step towards nature restoration and enhances the recovery of degraded soils, boosts crop yields, and lowers pollution by minimizing erosion and fertilizer runoff, purifying surface and groundwater, and promoting microbial activity and soil biodiversity, in addition to offsetting emissions.

Read more: Carbon farming: How it's good for the environment, farmers and biodiversity

Carbon farming focuses on adapting sustainable practices that primarily improve carbon absorption and retention from the atmosphere in fertile areas. As a result, the natural capacity of the land to help draw down carbon on a vast scale is being unlocked.

Carbon farming produces more food with less pollution while also creating soil and sequestering carbon dioxide. Carbon farming practices, if implemented on a large scale, have great potential. Promoting and expanding the use of these practices is an effective way to meet carbon emission reduction targets.

What are the benefits of carbon farming for land owners and businesses?

Indeed, carbon farming has the potential to yield far-reaching benefits beyond agriculture. What about the landowners, though?

Carbon farming is appealing to landowners because of the immediate and long-term benefits it can give properties. Farming practices that promote landscape-wide carbon storage also bring revenue, farm productivity, and soil health benefits, among other things.

Carbon farming is a one-of-a-kind way to better plan how to use land, and it also has benefits in many other social, economic, and environmental areas. It is critical to remember that each farmland is unique, and the co-benefits vary depending on the operation.

Carbon sequestration in agriculture has many benefits for the landowners who do it. It also helps the environment and biodiversity.

One of the best things about growing organic carbon is that it helps keep the soil healthy, which is especially important when it comes to land management. Soil health influences yield quality, which can boost long-term income streams and cost savings.

Working the land isn't an exclusive process, as any farmer will tell you. In a typical agricultural lifetime, plants, soil, water, air, sunlight, and nutrients all interact with one another.

Similarly, while carbon farming focuses on emission reduction and removal, it also has a plethora of other positive consequences for farmers and farm productivity, both direct and indirect.

Economic benefits of carbon farming to land owners and businesses

Farmers who switch to carbon farming practices that increase organic soil carbon and reduce emissions and keep track of their progress can earn carbon credits through a carbon program.

Genuine carbon credits from carbon farming must be linked to greenhouse gas removals or reductions that can be quantified. Carbon farming for carbon offsets includes auditing, testing, and keeping an eye on the amount of carbon in the soil, as well as using farming methods that put soil health first.

Carbon credits that have been verified can subsequently be sold to organizations or individuals wishing to reduce their emissions further through carbon offsets.

Participating in a carbon credit program is one way to increase the financial potential of carbon farming. Earnings are calculated per ton of carbon trapped in the soil.

Companies, Individuals, and organizations would need to first measure their carbon footprint in order to determine how much-verified carbon credit they will need to offset the plausible effect of their emissions, and this requires the use of a carbon footprint calculator.

Learn more about how can you make money from your land

What is the carbon footprint?

You've definitely heard the term "carbon footprint," as in, "my company aims to reduce its carbon footprint," or "that travel won't be good for my carbon footprint." But what exactly does it mean?

The exact amount of greenhouse gasses (including carbon dioxide and methane) produced by our actions is referred to as our "carbon footprint."

According to www.nature.org the average carbon footprint on a global scale is closer to 4 tons. For the best chance of keeping global temperatures from rising by 2°C, the average carbon footprint per year must be cut to less than 2 tons by 2050.

The real price of carbon might also be a very interesting read in order to further understand the significant effect of our carbon footprint on our planet.

Why does carbon farming have a key role for land owners?

How to measure carbon footprint

Organizations require emissions data now more than ever before. They are increasingly seeking to achieve emissions and net zero targets, as well as adhering to government rules, which are high priorities on corporate and investor agendas. To set meaningful goals, organizations must take into account the emissions from their whole value chain.

The GHG Protocol divides these emissions into three categories:

  • Scope 1 emissions: Directly from owned or controlled sources by organizations.
  • Scope 2 emissions: Emissions from the generation of bought energy.
  • Scope 3 emissions: They are all indirect emissions (exclusive of Scope 2) that occur in the reporting company's upstream and downstream value chains.

Scope 3 GHG emissions are often the largest component of a company's or portfolio's carbon footprint, accounting for up to 90% of the total impact, but they are also the most difficult to quantify.

The best way to compensate for our climate effect is to use efforts to offset emissions as we try to reduce them. Our carbon footprint calculator is one of the best carbon calculators, and by using our carbon footprint calculator to offset your carbon footprint, you will be supporting verified initiatives that benefit the environment and local communities all around the world.

Our calculator calculates and offsets the carbon impact of most business activities in a quick and reliable manner.

Start making a positive impact: calculate your carbon footprint today

In conclusion

Farmers, businesses and land owners who switch to carbon farming stand a chance to benefit from several opportunities. From earning accredited carbon credits to selling this carbon credits to businesses looking to offset their carbon emission. However, this is only possible with proper knowledge and farm management tools.

Our team of professionals will guide and hold your hands through every step to help you learn more about the proper utilization of your land for carbon farming, how to make money from this practice, and how to calculate your carbon footprint..

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