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Ivory Coast's forests are a vital part of the country's ecosystem, providing vital ecosystem services such as carbon storage, water regulation, and biodiversity. Unfortunately, deforestation is a significant problem in Ivory Coast, with a loss of nearly 13% of forest cover between 1990 and 2015 (according to data from the World Bank).
Read more about: What are the effects of deforestation?
Local communities, however, have an essential role to play in forest preservation. Historically, local communities have had a close relationship with Ivory Coast's forests, relying on them for food, medicine, and other resources. In recent years, there have been efforts to involve local communities in forest management and protection initiatives.
One such forest management initiative is community forestry, which involves local communities in the sustainable management and use of forests. Community forestry has been shown to have numerous benefits, such as reducing deforestation and promoting sustainable land-use practices.
Women from the Ivory Coast working in the countryside for cocoa production. The workers are extracting and washing cocoa beans in order to dry them. Rural scene of agriculture.
Despite these forestry efforts, local communities still face numerous challenges in preserving Ivory Coast's forests, such as illegal logging and poaching. However, with continued support and involvement in forest management initiatives, local communities can play a crucial role in protecting and preserving these vital ecosystems.
In conclusion, local communities are essential in preserving Ivory Coast's forests. Efforts to involve them in forest management and protection initiatives have the potential to be highly effective in promoting sustainable land-use practices and combating deforestation. By working together, we can ensure the long-term health and vitality of Ivory Coast's forests and the vital ecosystem services they provide.
Contact us to find out more about our reforestation projects
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