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25 million investment in new Restoration Seed Capital Facility

Standing in the technologically advanced era, we must not forget the importance of nature in our life. If we consider the present situation, we will come to know that climate change has become a major matter of concern. Well, there are several reasons inextricably associated with this problem but, among them, human activities will remain at the top. However, a Restoration Seed Capital Facility has been launched to boost the financial contribution of the private sectors to the forest restoration. Having an initial capital of 25 million euros, this new facility will set up various projects regarding forest restoration and dedicated investment funds in the developing countries with the help of the private fund managers.

Restoration of ecosystems

UNEP otherwise known as Un Environment Programme, the Government of Germany, the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management launched this Facility. The Facility will help to unfold the new hedonisms of sustainable livelihoods and new ways of conversation of this biodiversity. In addition to this, this New Restoration Seed Capital Facility will unleash new possibilities for climate change mitigation as well as adaptation. Well, this new Facility will help to fulfill the aims of Aichi biodiversity targets, agreement of Paris Climate, and the goals associated with the Sustainable Development. The Facility will definitely boost the process of landscape and forest restoration significantly during the new UN Decade (2021-2030) that will be on the restoration of the ecosystem.

There is no doubt that the fruitful outcomes coming out from the Bonn Challenge motivated the leaders to build this new Facility. In the case of the Bonn Challenge, private finance played a very important role. Svenja Schulze who is the German Federal Minister for Nuclear Safety, Nature Conservation, and the Environment is of the opinion that the Boon Challenge will restore a huge area of forests by the end of 2030. The figure is almost 350 million hectares. Well, the New Restoration Seed Capital Facility will basically catalyze the action of restoration in the new UN Decade that is on the Ecosystem Restoration. The COVID-19 pandemic has made a very deadly impact on the world. The new Facility will help the world financially so that it can recover from this pandemic situation.


Dependence on forests

Almost one-third of our humanity has a very intimate dependence on forest products and forests. Now, the restoration of the forest landscape which a kind of advanced solution based on nature will definitely reverse the deadly effects of degradation and deforestation. It will recover the climatic, economic, social and ecological advantages of the forests.

Carole Dieschbourg who is the minister of the Sustainable, Climate and Environment Development highlighted the most important point regarding the forest restoration action. People will have to invest in the natural capital of the planet before commenting anything on the climate emergency. There is no specific liveable future policy, adaptation and mitigation policy. The combination of finance, business and science will definitely bring sustainable and deforestation-free agriculture. The new Facility will definitely mobilize private finance in the restoration of the forest landscape. It will safeguard the livelihood of common people. In addition to this, it will also help to preserve the entire ecosystem.

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