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Why companies should give preference to carbon neutrality?

Carbon neutrality or net zero carbon emissions means offsetting your company’s carbon footprint will ensure that it has a neutral or zero impact on the climate. There are many companies that are contributing to the process of carbon neutrality.

Why Companies Should Give Preference To Carbon Neutrality

However, the companies that are emitting carbon dioxide should also come forward to make a balance.

Fortunately, many companies are compensating by embracing carbon neutrality. But, there are many that do not know how to maintain the balance.

Therefore, we have elaborated on everything associated with carbon neutrality. In addition to this, we also explained why companies should give preference to carbon neutrality.

Start making a positive impact: calculate your carbon footprint today

Carbon neutrality

One step that all companies may take to support international efforts would be to become carbon neutral. Businesses can participate in global efforts to save the planet. companies can achieve this status in two different ways:

  • Balancing The Emission Of Carbon Dioxide: One can achieve carbon neutrality status by balancing the emission of carbon dioxide. It is also called carbon offsetting. In such a situation, one takes aside the same amount of carbon dioxide that it is throwing into the atmosphere. Thus, it becomes carbon neutral.
  • Reducing The Overall Carbon Emission: If you can reduce the overall carbon emission to 0%, you can achieve carbon neutrality status. In such a case, companies generally change energy sources. Instead of using non-renewable energy, companies start giving preference to renewable energy such as solar power, wind power, and even nuclear power.

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Carbon offsetting

When it comes to carbon offset projects, you will see the overpromising and fragile advancement to climate change.

Many established offset programs such as the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol or the REDD+ program of the United Nations have a very poor track record.

However, there are several ways through which any organization can make a good carbon offset. Well, if any organization is investing money to develop a wind farm that will replace the coal power plant, it is only doing good business.

The money that is invested here will not make any reduction in greenhouse gases. But, one organization is trying to clear any specific section of rainforest for their project and if someone or any organization is paying for not doing this, it will actually mitigate the emission of greenhouse gas that is connected with deforestation.

How to achieve carbon neutral status?

A company will achieve carbon-neutral status by following the five steps mentioned below:

  • Define: In this step, you will determine whether the entire company or any product will become carbon neutral.
  • Measure: Measure refers to the accurate calculation of carbon emission.
  • Target: In order to achieve carbon neutrality, you will have to set a target.
  • Reduce: You will reduce carbon emissions by implementing various carbon-efficiency programs. Well, the company can also make changes in their business travel program.
  • Communicate: In this step, you will demonstrate the climate action plan. Thus, you can engage your stakeholders, customers, and teams.

So, this is all about carbon neutrality and we hope that you have understood why companies should give preference to carbon neutrality.

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