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A surprising upsurge of workers has been achieved through coronavirus in the enthusiastic reforestat..
In barely one century, deforestation rates have increased dramatically. From 2021 to 2022 alone, it ..
It is an undeniable fact that goats in the middle of trees are an awesome sight; however, the good t..
Although many of us are aware of the fact that different types of communication occur in the natural..
The interdependence between planetary health and human health has never been clearer.
While startin..
Marine ecosystem conservation is all about protecting and preserving seas and oceans, which is well-..
There are approximately more than three trillion trees in the world. The good news is that it is mor..
Trees in urban areas offer great benefits for personal well-being and air quality in densely populat..
The 'tree of life' might be a popular concept in mythology, folklore, or even religious stories, but..